
3geeks know that your privacy is important to you, so that means your privacy is important to us. 3geeks are committed to the privacy of your personal information. A quick summary of our privacy policy is below. If you would also like to know more about online privacy please visit the Australian Privacy Commissioners Website at

General statistical information collected

When you visit our website, it automatically records some general information about your visit, but does not recognize or record any individual information about you. This list of information we record is used for statistical purposes only to assist in us administer and improve the website:

3Geeks may collect information about your visit to our website though cookies. The information collected may include the IP address of the device you are using and information about sites that the IP address has come from, the pages accessed on our site and the next site visited. We use the information to improve our website and to enhance your experience when using it.

Personal information volunteered by yourself

Any personal information which we may collect has been volunteered by yourself and requires you to provide that information. This information is generally used to respond to a request by the person providing the information. These are most likely to be:

Use and disclosure of information

Information may be shared with other 3geeks entities and with third parties including organisations with whom we have co-promotional arrangements. In addition to providing our services to you, we may use or disclose personal information that we collect about you:

Other Websites

3geeks sometimes provides links to websites of other organisations or news items from time to time, as we may consider them to be of interest to you. Linked websites are responsible for their own privacy practices and you should check those websites for their respective privacy statements.